YSEL 2014

YSEL 2014

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

First Impressions of the YSEL Camp

“My first impression when I heard I was selected as a YSEL finalist was shock because I passed.  I’m so glad to be here because I’m making many new friends and improving my speaking skills.” Gatwech Reath, Gambela, Gambela region

“Everything is so different from what I’ve seen before.  The days and the nights go by so fast.  The way we are learning is very different.  There are so many different kinds of students that I never imagine I’d meet ever.  I never thought we could be this close to each other.  Lastly, I like the teachers, counselors and especially Mr. Tom”
Beza Mamuye, Metehara, Oromia region

“I like the compound, I like my dorm room, my classrooms and I’m excited to have so many friends with so many backgrounds.  I’m happy to be learning life skills—how to live in a diverse situation, how to work in groups.  I’d like to thank you for this opportunity.” Tsinat Tesfaye, Harar, Harari region

“My first impression was that I was afraid I wouldn’t adapt to the weather here, but when I got here it was OK.  I met my teacher Whitney White and she made me feel welcome here.  In my dorm, we are four boys and we are all from different regions.  So far we have shared much about our lives and regions. It’s great.”
Amanuel Getahun, Addis Ababa

“I’m so excited to be here. I was not expecting to have such a welcoming program, which was done by the YSEL staff.  The one I like the most is Ms. Megan, my teacher.  Everything about the camp; the meals, the classrooms is great.  I have a great counselor—Leul.  He is like a brother to us.  I have learned many things already like how to live in a diverse family—cooperating with each other.  I admire Mr. Tom who gave us this great opportunity. Thank you very much!”
Semira Abdulhakim, Jijiga, Somali region

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