YSEL 2014

YSEL 2014

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

This is the way we wash our clothes...

You may be wondering some of the more practical sides of the YSEL camp, for instance how do students do laundry.  Well it’s quite simple—they do it by hand themselves.  This is an important way to teach many of our students life skills as well as personal responsibility.  For many,, especially the boys, this is the first time they have to do their own laundry.  The biggest challenge to doing laundry is the weather.  Given it’s the rainy season, a warm, sunny day can be elusive.  Mostly there is sun during the day but it may be followed by a rain storm that blows through in the afternoon.  Last Sunday was a beautiful, sunny day and a free day for students so it was a perfect time for students to get their laundry done.  The clothes lines quickly filled up with clothes drying and some students had to resort to the bushes around the dorm rooms to dry their clothes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like this post. Keep them coming. thanks
